Month: March 2024

Learn about the macronutrient fat: A moment on the lips…

Learn about the macronutrient fat: A moment on the lips…

After satisfying my initial crisp urge, I thought about the fitted dress sitting in the bag on the rack above me.  “It’ll be fine, the fat from these crisps won’t hit my waistline for a few days, maybe a week.  Hmmm… I wonder how long it actually takes?”.  Read the rest
What to eat if you have to snack: Peanuts v Cashews

What to eat if you have to snack: Peanuts v Cashews

The other day at the supermarket I had to make a choice between my two personal favourites;  cashews or peanuts.  This is the leg work I’ve done for you to discover which packs the weightier nutritional punch. Read the rest
Coping with grief after the death of a pet

Coping with grief after the death of a pet

To seek help I read about the grieving process and a lot of the advice, I felt, could be applied to any form of loss - person, pet, even the ending of a relationship.  It’s so tempting to run from the grief, to suffer in silence, but the collective advice seems to be that you’ll just store trouble for later.  Read the rest
Why is using the term ‘guys’ for women acceptable?

Why is using the term ‘guys’ for women acceptable?

Why has the word ‘guys’ become so acceptable to use towards women?  And from my experience, the gender-fluid youth are the worst culprits!  Read the rest
Believe in the sex appeal of the 50’s (no, not the era…)

Believe in the sex appeal of the 50’s (no, not the era…)

And no, I'm not talking about there era.... So there I was eating a plate of linguine con granchio when I looked up just as a couple walked in. Both with grey hair, both I would guess somewhere in their late 50’s or early 60’s.  He seemed a regular sort of guy – average height, average weight, averagely dressed; the sort of man you wouldn’t remember.  However linked onto his arm was a woman who drew just about every pair of eyes in the room towards her.  Including me, the staff, the Manthers AND their bored arm candy.  Read the rest